Frequently Asked Questions


We strive to offer our guests the highest level of guest satisfaction. If you are having challenges with the service you received, let us know within 7 days of your visit and we are happy to correct the issue with no additional charge.  


Should you make a retail purchase that you are unsatisfied with, we accept retail exchanges at full credit within 14 days from your initial purchase.


Refunds are not offered on services or retail purchases. We are more than happy to adjust services at no cost and exchange retail for something that would better suit your needs if notified within the above time frames.


In order to continue providing the best possible scheduling options for our guests, We require 24 hours notice should you need to cancel or reschedule your visit. Should you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours notice, new clients will not receive their deposit back. If you cancel within 24 hours new and returning clients will be charged a 50% non-refundable deposit for all future appointments.


We understand that sometimes you have no control over traffic, getting the kids out of the house on time or your coffee shop taking a bit longer on your order. If you are running any later than 15 minutes we may adjust you to a smaller service or reschedule your appointment in order to keep our schedule moving smoothly.


We are located at 7967 Alexandria Pike Alexandria, Ky 41001. In the big white building directly across from Campbell County Middle School.

To enter the SPA please walk up to the front of the building and enter UNIT D, the door on the right.

To enter the SALON please walk up to the front of the building and enter UNIT E, the door on the left.

You are welcome to park anywhere in our lot.